We are excited to invite you to a public informational meeting of the North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection on Wednesday, May 31 at 5:30 P.M. at the Phyllis Baker City Park (341 N. Falcon St., Rockaway Beach). This meeting is for friends, allies, advocates and volunteers (or potential volunteers!) who share NCCWP’s goal to eliminate pesticides and clearcutting in our drinking watersheds. At the meeting, you can expect to hear about our petition effort, upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and goals for 2023. There will also be pizza! Please bring your own beverage in a reusable container.
Or join us on Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4333356878?pwd=emlYb0syQ2l5clJuNTB4Kzl1UGV5UT09.