Video Replays
Forest Hydrology
2 Minute Statement on a Report Done by Dr. Younes Alila, Professor at Faculty of Forestry of the University of British Columbia.
Watch Dr. Younes Alila’s presentation “Forests and Water: New Science for a Changing Climate” for a deeper dive into this issue.
The Future of Jetty Creek
Chuck Willer, Executive Director for the Coast Range Association, is the featured speaker for this program on The Future of Jetty Creek sponsored by the NCCWP. Learn about Safeguarding and Restoring Watersheds to ensure that everyone has clean drinking water.
It’s Spray Season
Deke Gunderson Presentation hosted by NCCWP
You may have heard in the wind… or maybe in the rustling leaves or babbling brook…
The Forest Poets event showcased yet another reason why our forests and watersheds are so critical to our health and wellbeing. In case you missed it, or if you want to enjoy it again, click below to enjoy a recording of the event.
What comprises a healthy watershed? How do watersheds provide high quality water in moderate flows? Learn about water degradation from inappropriate human activities and the health of forested and clearcut watersheds from coastal Oregon to British Columbia. In this webinar we discussed direct interactions between deforestation, extreme weather events, and climate change and Mr. Hammond addressed what needs to be done to restore and safeguard forested drinking water sources. Included are his personal insights based on his review of the current condition of the Jetty Creek Watershed, the primary source of drinking water for the City of Rockaway Beach, Oregon. Herb Hammond is a forest ecologist, retired professional forester, and award- winning author with over 45 years of experience in forestry research, consultation, and education. He is the co-founder of the Silva Forest Foundation and has worked cooperatively with Indigenous and rural communities across several continents.
Dr. Younes Alila‘s Presentation “Forests and Water: New Science for a Changing Climate”
Dr. Younes Alila is a professor at Faculty of Forestry of the University of British Columbia. The presentation, “Forests and Water: New Science for a Changing Climate”, illustrates how the old framework for understanding forest hydrology continues to misguide forest management worldwide. This outdated model dramatically underestimates the effects of all landscape operations. Alila offers a new, holistic approach that will more accurately assess hydrologic and geomorphic risks caused by forest management practices, such as clearcutting. Some of these risks include floods, droughts, landslides and wildfires.
The Climate Impacts of Industrial Forest Practices
National Sierra Club’s Forest Protection Forum hosted John Talberth of the Center for Sustainable Economy for a talk titled “The Climate Impacts of Industrial Forest Practices” on October 16, 2023.
Troubled Waters in Oregon Forests
Nancy Webster lives in Rockaway Beach, Oregon and is speaking out about the need for improved forest practices in Oregon. Her drinking water has been affected by clearcutting on industrial timberlands above town. “There’s no way we should be logging like this. It’s time for change.”
Find out more about the campaign to protect Oregon’s Forest Waters at
2023 Public Interest Environmental Law Conference
Keynote Talk by Mary Wood
Truths About the Economics of Logging
A presentation by Ernie Niemi
The Oregon Forest Trust: From Commodity to Commonwealth
Professor Mary Wood and the Conservation Trust Project University of Oregon School of Law
Is Your Drinking Water Safe?
A community presentation by NCCWP
Bryn Clodfelter Community Health Study
NCCWP hosts a presentation by Bryn Clodfelter on the effects of forestry practices on community health in coastal Oregon communities.