Sign the Petition

Please Sign Our Petition

Our petition, "SAFE WATER AND AIR", is aimed at building momentum around protecting our forests and drinking watersheds. As of mid-2024, we have 1,878 signatures, including paper signatures gathered at events and rallIes. 

The undersigned Petitioners are residents, business owners, ratepayers, and visitors of the North Oregon Coast who are concerned about the water we drink and the air we breathe:

WHEREAS, there is a growing water shortage, especially in the summers, caused by climate change, increased demand and accelerated forest clearcutting;

WHEREAS, water quality has declined, and in some areas, can require an unsafe amount of chemical additives and treatments to meet minimal Oregon DEQ standards;

WHEREAS, the air we breathe and the water we drink are compromised by slash burning and pesticide spraying;

WHEREAS, government agencies have failed to adequately protect community watersheds and air quality, even in the face of unprecedented climate change and industrial forest clear-cutting;

ACCORDINGLY, Petitioners want accountability for the above, want no more logging and pesticide use in community water sources across all land ownership, and want an end to pesticide applications near where people live, work and recreate.

FURTHERMORE, Petitioners seek independent health studies and unbiased analyses of the water people in the area drink and the air everyone breathes.

Please sign the petition and share it with everyone you know.


Dear SpeakOut! user

The undersigned Petitioners are residents, business owners, ratepayers, and visitors of the North Oregon Coast who are concerned about the water we drink and the air we breathe:

WHEREAS, there is a growing water shortage, especially in the summers, caused by climate change, increased demand and accelerated forest clearcutting;

WHEREAS, water quality has declined, and in some areas, can require an unsafe amount of chemical additives and treatments to meet minimal Oregon DEQ standards;

WHEREAS, the air we breathe and the water we drink are compromised by slash burning and pesticide spraying;

WHEREAS, government agencies have failed to adequately protect community watersheds and air quality, even in the face of unprecedented climate change and industrial forest clear-cutting;

ACCORDINGLY, Petitioners want accountability for the above, want no more logging and pesticide use in community water sources across all land ownership, and want an end to pesticide applications near where people live, work and recreate.

FURTHERMORE, Petitioners seek independent health studies and unbiased analyses of the water people in the area drink and the air everyone breathes.

%%your signature%%

55 signatures

Thank you North Coast Community!

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